Monday, March 5, 2012

Yogurt diet to lose weight 6 kilos in 3 days | Quick Weight Loss ...

Having appropriate amount of yogurt will be able to slim abdomen. According to studies, people who ingest calcium from yogurt has flatter belly. Most yogurt contains some fungi can promote a healthy digestive system, reduce abdominal distension and constipation, and make your belly slimmer. But nutritionists are also generally believed that the Yogurt Diet for Weight Losscalories of yogurt is higher than milk, in general, 100 grams of milk contains 57 calories of heat, 100 grams of fat-free yogurt contains 72 calories of heat. Therefore drink yogurt to lose weight should not be as much as you want. For those reluctant to yogurt delicious and don?t want to gain weight, it is recommended to select the yogurt indicated skim and low-calorie. If you would like to, you can also make your own yogurt with few pieces of fruit to improve its taste.

The optimal consumption for a day is that one to three cups of low-fat or fat-free yogurt. It is the best to have yogurt two hours after dinner, drink yogurt on an empty stomach will reduce the health effects of it. And if you have yogurt after dinner or before sleep, it will not only nourish health and promote digestion, but also take exhaust laxative effects.

Yogurt diet for rapid slimming is recommended as following. In the morning, drink a cup of water when you get up, and a cup of honey water. And have a 200ml yogurt, a piece of whole-wheat bread, and a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. Try to purchase the low-sugar or low-fat yogurt for yourself (Fat content is 1.0% to 1.5%). In the noon, for the lunch, you may have a bowl of soup, few rice or some crackers. And then have a 200ml yogurt, and 100grams of varied meat, these are for supplement of iron. And then eat a plate of vegetable salad. After lunch, drink two cups of Green Tea to help digestion. In the afternoon, you may drink a cup of yogurt when you are hungry. In the evening, drink a cup of water or soup, and eat a plate of green vegetables. And then have a yogurt the same as lunch, and probably with some fruits. Green Tea is a natural healthy drink with large amounts of human essential nutrients for weight loss and health effects

Some user experiences from people had yogurt diet are as following.

?I like to have a 200ml yogurt for dinner after some exercises, and with an apple and a cup of honey water to lose weight, it is not only clean bowel but also detoxification, the dinner is important for weight loss.?

?I am on a diet of apple yogurt bread, it is apparently effective. And I have lost 10 kilos on May, one kilo per day; however, I get rebound when I pay less attention to the diet. Later, I change my eating habits and lifestyle while on a yogurt diet, I never rebound after lose weight.?

Yogurt diet has low energy and can not be a long-term diet. A daily yogurt diet contains 800ml of yogurt, 50 grams of cereals, 100 grams of meat, 400 grams of vegetables, and 100 grams of fruits. Total daily energy of yogurt diet is 1000 to 2000 kcal, and this is a fairly low-energy diet. This is almost abstaining from food, you will get starving during this weight loss period, and it is not very dangerous for short term, you will get malnourished for long term results; and also you will get rebound if you don?t change your diet habits and lifestyle. Therefore, after a few days of yogurt diet, you should resume to a normal diet, and should not have a long-term practice on it.


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